
We now have power in SpaceSlog. Power will be required to run everything on your ship including thrusters, lights, powered doors, oxygen generators, air scrubbers, computers and more. Not having power could cause serious consequences for your crew.

Currently there are two types of power. Generators and solar. Solar is currently unusable as we do not have an energy source for them to take power from. Though eventually going near stars will allow these to generate energy. The only problem being, you will need to store this power in batteries because of course once you move away from the star your solar panels will no longer be working. Generators will take a type of fuel, though it is still not clear how this fuel will be acquired. For now it can be purchased from passing ships, so you should probably be stocking up whenever you have the chance.

All powered items need to be connected via a cable. I thought long and hard on the type of ‘feed’ we would use for the power supply to items and i decided on using cables as i think this adds a nice extra layer of strategy. Other ideas were to use ‘wireless’ electricity, but again, i think that would remove a layer of strategy where you need to decide where to place your items and cables for maximum efficiency. Of course enemy ships might eventually decide to take out your power supplies or cabling systems.

As usual all the parts that make up a powered item are added as components/modules and can be added to various items via JSON.

If you have any other ideas or suggestions regarding power in SpaceSlog, then feel free to join our Discord or Forums or post a comment below.

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